Here are the entries we have received so far. If you haven't entered yet there is still time, so get colouring!

Click an image for a larger view.

Pcso John Bordiss
Lizzy McCanzy

Lizzy McCanzy

Office Manager // GWO Marketing

Mary Cooper

Mary Cooper

Junior Art Director // Designfactor

Henny Walls

Henny Walls

Adviser // Cooper & Gump

Cameron Jackson

Cameron Jackson

Junior Partner // Jackson & Son

Liam Walls

Liam Walls

Photographer // Freelance

Leonie Geller

Leonie Geller

Security Manager // Wingman

Susy Cutcher

Susy Cutcher

IT Administrator // WHU Online

Cameron Tucker

Cameron Tucker

Marketing Manager // Wacome

Anna Morgan

Anna Morgan

Trainee // Heymann Design

colouring competition posterWith schools closed and children at home Ashton Keynes Parish Council are holding a spring colouring competition. Can you draw and colour a spring themed picture to make the judges smile?

The competition is open to children living in the parish or attending Ashton Keynes C of E Primary School or Ashton Keynes Pre-school.

There are 3 age groups which are

0-5yrs          6-10yrs        11-15yrs

There will be a first prize of a £10 book voucher and second prize of a £5 book voucher for each age group.

Entries should be sent to by 30th April 2020. Winners will be announced on 5th May 2020

Winning entries will be displayed here on the Parish Council website. Click Here to see the entries.

Names and addresses are to be provided in an email along with a photo of your finished entry, no names to be visible on the actual entry.

Good Luck and I look forward to receiving lots of colourful spring entries.

B4040 closure feb 2019 teaserAdvance warning of the closure of the B4040 at Common Hill. Cricklade, from the 28th Feb 2019 for approx 2 days at the request of Eurovia.

Wiltshire Council
Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984
Temporary Closure of: B4040 Common Hill (Part), Cricklade (Ref: TTRO 5756)
Notice is hereby given that the Wiltshire Council has made an Order to close temporarily to all traffic:
B4040 Common Hill (Part), Cricklade; from its junction with The Fiddle for approximately 400m in a westerly direction.
To enable: Eurovia to carry out carriageway patching, reconstruction, surface dressing, road markings and associated works.

Alternative route: via B4040 (unaffected length) – B4696 – A429 – B4040 (unaffected length) and vice versa.
The closure and diversion route will be clearly indicated by traffic signs.
This Order will come into operation on 28 February 2019 and the closure will be required daily until 1 March 2019. It is anticipated that the works will take the stated duration to complete depending upon weather conditions. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses, although delays are likely due to the nature of the works. The Order will have a maximum duration of 18 months.

For further information please contact Steve Hawkins on behalf of Eurovia on 07834503477.
Sustainable Transport Group, County Hall, Bythesea Road, Trowbridge BA14 8JN

View the Wiltshire Council notice by clicking Notice 2.

Route diversion signs will be in place as shown on the below map. To view the full size map click Indicative Plan.

B4040 closure feb 2019 local map



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